Twisted Tiffany 2019 Update

Hi, Project Ed Bear family,

Twisted Tiffany, our annual event dubbed the “ultimate ladies day” that funds our college scholarship program, is shifting a bit in 2019— and we need your help.

Project Ed Bear is led by its fearless and dedicated (full-time volunteer!) founder Susan. If you’ve had the privilege of meeting Susan, you know the light she brings to the Project Ed Bear children fighting cancer, as well as their families and our community of supporters.

A few weeks ago, Susan’s mom received a lung cancer diagnosis, and true to the family’s spirit, she’s braving the diagnosis and fighting hard. Since getting the news, Susan hasn’t missed a doctor’s appointment with her mom, all while maintaining this incredible Project Ed Bear community.

Wanting to ensure her Project Ed Bear children and her mother are taken care of, Twisted Tiffany is the ONLY event that is changing this year.

Instead of planning a large event, selling tickets, getting raffle items— we’re asking you to host your own small Project Ed Bear event with your own girlfriends— and help us raise the necessary funds for our college scholarship program.

Here’s how you can participate:

  • On the last weekend of April, Saturday, April 27 or Sunday, April 28, get a group of your closest friends together.

  • Have brunch or a tea-time themed lunch, and talk to them a bit about Project Ed Bear and the power that it brings to this community. Then, ask for a donation!

  • During your own girls time, please send photos to our team at or tag us on Facebook (@ProjectEdBear)!

  • Any photos we see, we will share on our page to celebrate you and your group.

Once you have your group together, please let us know. The college scholarship program is a vital part of our organization and has been helping since 2008 to provide childhood cancer patients, a college scholarship.

Any child who’s been treated at Akron Children’s Hospital Oncology Unity since the inception of Project Ed Bear is eligible for the scholarship as long as they have been accepted into an accredited school.

Thank you for all you do!


Kat Pestian, Project Ed Bear Advocate + Friend